TO, CC vs BCC in email
When composing email you will see
fields like TO, CC and BCC above the text area. TO, is the person
exactly to whom you are sending the email. Generally the whole purpose
of the email is to express or pass information to the person who is in
the TO field.
CC stands for Carbon Copy. When writing
emails the actual recipients address will be included in TO field of
the mail application. People
who ever not directly involved or acting on the subject matter will be
included in CC field for informational purpose. Which is not a strict
rule but as like in the typical traditional letter scenario we address
the letter to a particular person and at the bottom put copy to so and
so for informational purposes.
BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy, which
is exactly similar to CC but the email addresses included in the BCC
field will not be visible to anyone else other than the particular
recipient. It’s exactly similar to resending the email to that
particular person who is listed in the BCC field separately. Instead of
resending it’s easy for the writer to put BCC in the same email.
Not only the TO, CC and BCC of the
recipient email, but even the header of the received email will not
contain the email addresses mentioned in the BCC field. And when you
reply by pressing REPLY ALL button the BCC person will not get the
reply whereas CC recipients will get them.

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