Ever since Facebook released its instant messaging application on its
site in 2008, many of its users have been utilizing the chat function
to keep in contact with their Facebook friends. It is a simple function,
but nonetheless user-friendly. Comparing what it is now and what it was
three years back, not many would say it has changed much; it’s still a
small bar located on your bottom-right corner which expands to let you
see who’s online when you click on it.
That doesn’t stop avid fans of facebook from discovering a couple of
interesting tips and tricks to enhance your experience with its chat
function. Below are some great tips and tricks you can use to customize
the way you chat with Facebook.
Tips & Tricks
Sick of chatting in that tiny little box in your facebook page? Well,
this option enables you to pop out the chat so that you have a much
comfortable view of your friends and your conversation.
(via Tips4pc)
If you’re using Mac OS and wants to chat without logging on to
facebook everytime, this is a great tip for you. Simply follow a few
instructions and you’ll chat in iChat in no time.
(via Mac OS X Tips)
In 2010, Facebook added a new interface to its chat service which
provides the Jabber/XMPP protocol. Since then, Facebook chat is
accessible from any Jabber-supporting instant messaging programs. What
this means is that you can now use that chat function on your mobile
phone and desktop. (via Ken’s Tech Tips)
This is pretty much a simple hack on Facebook which allows you to get
chat history of a particular friend of yours even if he or she is
(via Puremango)
If you are a fan of logging chat histories with your instant
messengers, then you must be disappointed and frustrated to know
facebook doesn’t allow any of that. But not to worry, because Mozilla
Firefox has this add-on that helps you capture your chat efficiently.
(via Online Tech Tips)
Instant Messengers Facebook Chat
Here’s a list of instant messengers that allows you to chat with your
Facebook friends without opening the browser or keeping your Facebook
page active.
Sick of the lack of customization for your fonts in Facebook chat?
Chit Chat is the way to go with its text formatting options, chat
logging and status alerts, just like any other instant messenger on the
This chat client attempts to integrate instant messaging, e-mailing
and social networking chats into one program so that you don’t have to
have separate programs or browsers for each one of them. Great for those
with too many accounts to manage,
Meebo provides a single log-in to all your chat networks, but it’s
not a desktop program like Digsby. It is actually a browser-based
application that requires no set-up. Since you can log in on any
computers with a internet connection without having to install anything,
this is quite a convenient tool for not just Facebook chat, but also
your other ones.
An aesthetically attractive instant messaging client for the Mac OS.
Other than Facebook chat, Adium supports MSN, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google
Chat and Windows Live as well.
For those who know Gaim, Pidgin is the instant messaging client’s new
name. As with other chat clients, it lets users access multiple chat
clients at one convenient place. Pidgin also provides a range of
wonderful features such as customizing sounds when a contact signs in or
Emoticons & Text Symbols
Even if the person you’re talking to can neither hear your tone nor
see your facial expressions, you can always make it up by putting some
emoticons along with your words. Here is the full list of facebook
emoticons to spice up your chat.
smile |
:) |
sad |
:( |
stick tongue |
:P |
big smile |
:D |
shocked |
:O |
wink |
;) |
geek |
8) |
cool |
8| |
angry |
>:( |
think |
:\ |
cry |
:’( |
devil |
3:) |
angel |
O:) |
kiss |
:-* |
heart |
<3 |
happy |
^_^ |
dream |
-_- |
confused |
O.o |
mad |
>:o |
pacman |
:v |
curly lips |
:3 |
robot |
:|] |
chris putnam |
:putnam: |
penguin |
<(“) |
shark |
(^^^) |
42 |
:42: |
Text Symbols
Similarly, you may choose from a large variety of text symbols not
just for your chat, but also for your facebook status updates and
private messages.
☀ |
☼ |
✞ |
✝ |
✡ |
☮ |
♂ |
♀ |
✉ |
☸ |
☻ |
☺ |
☭ |
☎ |
☏ |
☢ |
☣ |
✖ |
☤ |
✌ |
♨ |
☂ |
☃ |
☁ |
✠ |
© |
® |
™ |
☢ |
☠ |
{。^◕‿◕^。} |
(◕^^◕) |
¿ |
¡ |
㊣ |
♖ |
㊛ |
♈ |
♉ |
♊ |
☬ |
☪ |
☯ |
☫ |
➹ |
✪ |
✈ |
♋ |
♌ |
♍ |
☟ |
♬ |
❀ |
✿ |
➽ |
⌚ |
⌛ |
♎ |
♏ |
♐ |
✖ |
✗ |
✘ |
✔ |
✓ |
✎ |
☾ |
♑ |
♒ |
♓ |
♔ |
♕ |
♖ |
♗ |
♘ |
♙ |
☝ |
ت |
ツ |
⌘ |
♚ |
♛ |
♜ |
♝ |
♞ |
♟ |
♁ |
卐 |
Ω |
❖ |
♦ |
♠ |
♣ |
♥ |
♢ |
♤ |
♡ |
♧ |
✦ |
✧ |
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