In this article, I have covered yet
another tool to remove all unwanted duplicate files and folders from a
computer. Duplicate files and folders are biggest space eaters. So, by
eradicating those duplicate files, you can realize a very good amount of
disk space.
You may use the Windows search tool to
find out all duplicate files from your computer but, in reality, it is
not a good solution because you can search only using the name.
WeeDuplicateDetective is a FREE duplicate cleaner that helps you find
copies of files (duplicates) and clean them up easily at one click. It
will check for files based on actual file data, based on filename,
filename and extension, filename and size, or filename and timestamp.
Simply, it covers most of duplicate files in system.
Once you find all duplicate files on
your PC, you can mark single or multiple duplicate files to remove with
one click. You can use Open me and Locate me for checking your files.
After marking all duplicate files, press
“Delete selected duplicates!” button (visible at the right side of
application). When you select delete button, WeeDuplicateDetective
offers you some more features which includes, but not limited to –
permanently deleting those marked files, send the marked files to
recycle bin or move the selected files to a new folder.
So, let me know if you like this tool.
Nothing to lose! It’s free! So, give it a try! As far platform
dependability is concerned, you can use this application on all Windows
OS like XP, Vista and Windows 7 . For users on XP and Vista: you need to
install the .NET Framework 4 before you can get your hands on WDD.
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