If you are using any limited connection internet on system then
it is very hard to find out how much data you are using in real time. It
is good idea that you track your internet data uses so that you manage
your internet working hours. Unfortunately Windows not support any
features for record data uses on system but you can use one freeware
application for easily track or monitor your internet connection. I am
personally using limited 3G internet and I am using this application
many times for monitor my internet connection and monitoring my uses. I
am talking about NetTraffic
a freeware application for Windows OS. NetTraffic allow you to monitor
data rates and count of downloaded, uploaded data. Application show data
rates on chart and as text.

Using this application you can monitor any analyze internet connection information’s from selected period (available: year, month, day, hour). You can simply get information about time you spend on a computer using statistics module. Mouse meter module allow check how much distance traveled the cursor on the screen.
Application can be run all Windows OS like 2000/XP/Vista and Windows 7 also.
[Download NetTraffic]
Using this application you can monitor any analyze internet connection information’s from selected period (available: year, month, day, hour). You can simply get information about time you spend on a computer using statistics module. Mouse meter module allow check how much distance traveled the cursor on the screen.
Application can be run all Windows OS like 2000/XP/Vista and Windows 7 also.
[Download NetTraffic]

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