It is normal that we tend to perform multi tasking in Windows at a single time but, we are limited to the usage of single screen and we can view only few applications during work. If you are a web developer or doing some design work, then it can be more annoying that you have only one single screen for you to manage all your jobs.
Currently, Windows version not support any option to get multiple screens but we can get it using third party tool Finestra Virtual Desktops. It is a freeware application for managing mulitple windows or to perform multiple tasks on Windows. It allows you to divide your workspace up into multiple “virtual” desktops, each of which is easily accessible on the fly. For example, you can keep all of your internet applications open on one desktop, work on another desktop, and games on a third.
You can switch other desktop using hotkey or using option available on system tray application icon.
Short Keys you can use with this application:
- Windows Key + Z – Show the fullscreen “switcher”
- Windows Key + W – Pop up the window menu for the active window
- Windows Key + Numpad 1…9 – Switch to the corresponding desktop, if it exists
- Windows Key + Arrow Keys – Move to the corresponding desktop
- Windows Key + Control + Numpad 1…9 – Send the foreground window to the corresponding desktop
- Windows Key + Control + Arrow Keys – Send the foreground window to the corresponding desktop
Finestra virtual desktops:
- Full screen switcher view with full drag and drop managing
- Desktop switch indicator
- As many virtual desktops as desired
- Per-desktop backgrounds
- Windows 7 taskbar switcher
- Z-order preservation
- Watch the windows move in real time as you drag them around in the switcher
- Multiple monitor support
- Window menus
- Configurable tray icons for each desktop
- Configurable colors, fade speeds, hotkeys, etc.
- Uses Vista/7′s live thumbnails
- XP support

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