1 Open command prompt. Go to Windows, then Run, and type "cmd" . Press enter.
2 Type "cd\" and press enter to get to the root directory of c:\ .
3 Type "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf" and press enter.
4 Type "del autorun.inf" and press enter.
5 Repeat the same process with other drives, type "d:" and do the same thing. then next "e:".and restart your computer.
6 Restart your computer and it's done. Enjoy the freedom to open hard drives on a double click.
2 Type "cd\" and press enter to get to the root directory of c:\ .
3 Type "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf" and press enter.
4 Type "del autorun.inf" and press enter.
5 Repeat the same process with other drives, type "d:" and do the same thing. then next "e:".and restart your computer.
6 Restart your computer and it's done. Enjoy the freedom to open hard drives on a double click.

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