ChromePass is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Google Chrome Web browser. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Origin URL, Action URL, User Name Field, Password Field, User Name, Password, and Created Time.You can select one or more items and then save them into text/html/xml file or copy them to the clipboard.

Using ChromePass
ChromePass doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using ChromePass, simply run the executable file - ChromePass.exe After running it, the main window will display all passwords that are currently stored in your Google Chrome browser.Reading ChromePass passwords from external drive
Starting from version 1.05, you can also read the passwords stored by Chrome Web browser from an external profile in your current operating system or from another external drive (For example: from a dead system that cannot boot anymore). In order to use this feature, you must know the last logged-on password used for this profile, because the passwords are encrypted with the SHA hash of the log-on password, and without that hash, the passwords cannot be decrypted.You can use this feature from the UI, by selecting the 'Advanced Options' in the File menu, or from command-line, by using /external parameter. The user profile path should be something like "C:\Documents and Settings\admin" in Windows XP/2003 or "C:\users\myuser" in Windows Vista/2008.
Command-Line Options
/stext | Save the list of passwords into a regular text file. |
/stab | Save the list of passwords into a tab-delimited text file. |
/scomma | Save the list of passwords into a comma-delimited text file. |
/stabular | Save the list of passwords into a tabular text file. |
/shtml | Save the list of passwords into HTML file (Horizontal). |
/sverhtml | Save the list of passwords into HTML file (Vertical). |
/sxml | Save the list of passwords to XML file. |
/skeepass | Save the list of passwords to KeePass csv file. |
/external | Load the Chrome passwords from external drive/profile.
For example:
chromepass.exe /external "C:\Documents and Settings\admin" "MyPassword" |
Translating ChromePass to other languages
In order to translate ChromePass to other language, follow the instructions below:- Run ChromePass with /savelangfile parameter:
ChromePass.exe /savelangfile
A file named ChromePass_lng.ini will be created in the folder of ChromePass utility. - Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
- Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be used in the 'About' window.
- After you finish the translation, Run ChromePass, and all translated
strings will be loaded from the language file.
If you want to run ChromePass without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder.
This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification !Disclaimer
The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.Download
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