// mystrlen- function #include<iostream.h> int mystrlen(const char *); void main(void) { char ch[]="This is great!"; cout<<"Length:"<<mystrlen(ch); } int mystrlen(const char *str) { int len=0; while(str[len]!='\0') len++; return len; }mystrcpy
// mystrcpy- function #include<iostream.h> void mystrcpy(char *,const char *); void main(void) { char ch[]="This is great!"; char ch2[20]; mystrcpy(ch2,ch); cout<<ch; cout<<endl; cout<<ch2; } void mystrcpy(char *str1,const char *str2) { int i=0; // copy each character while(str2[i]!='\0') { str1[i]=str2[i]; i++; } // put the end of // string identifier str1[i]='\0'; }mystrcat
// mystrcat- function #include<iostream.h> void mystrcat(char *,const char *); void main(void) { char ch[]="This is great!"; char ch2[25]="Yes "; mystrcat(ch2,ch); cout<<ch; cout<<endl; cout<<ch2; } void mystrcat(char *str1,const char *str2) { int i=0; int len=0; // skip to the end of the first // string(target) while(str1[len]!='\0') len++; // start copying characters // from the start of the // second string (source) // to the end of the // first (target) while(str2[i]!='\0') { str1[len]=str2[i]; i++;len++; } str1[len]='\0'; }mystrcmp
// mystrcmp- function #include<iostream.h> int mystrcmp(char *,const char *); void main(void) { char ch[]="C++"; char ch2[]="C++"; cout<<mystrcmp(ch2,ch); } int mystrcmp(char *str1,const char *str2) { int i=0,cmp=-1; while(str1[i]!='\0') { if(str1[i]==str2[i]) { // check one character // following it, so that // end of string is also // compared if(str1[i+1]==str2[i+1]) cmp=0; // if not same then check // to see which string has // higher ASCII value for the // non-matching charcter else if(str1[i+1]<str2[i+1]) { cmp=-1; break; } else { cmp=1; break; } } else if(str1[i]<str2[i]) { cmp=-1; break; } else { cmp=1; break; } i++; } return cmp; }Good-Bye!

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