- Tell us something about yourself?
Answer- In response to this question, tell about your place of origin, place of present residence, family background, educational pattern, and any other specialty relevant to the organization and job concerned. Normally, information about strengths / weaknesses and interests / hobbies should not be included as the interviewers ask additional questions on these aspects. Further, if the chairman has already read your profile to verify it, avoid information on educational background.
- Tell us something about your interests and hobbies?
Answer- Tell about your interests and hobbies which you really pursue. If you tell so many interests/hobbies, it may appear impressive from your point of view, but it may go against you. Further, you must be able to corroborate your answer with facts and figures if need be. For example, if your hobby is to read books of general interest or of any specific interest, you must be able to tell the names of a few books and their brief contents. Similar is the case with other interests and hobbies too.
- How confident are you?
Answer : Tell forcefully that you are quite confident about yourself. This statement should be supported by facial expression and other body language.
- How will you define your dream job?
Answer- Tell that your dream job is one that gives you sense of achievement, recognition, challenges, responsibility, and possibility of growth. You feel that a job having these characteristics is likely to provide you an opportunity to use your maximum potentials.
Avoid mentioning high salary and other financial benefits as these are generally associated with the nature of job. Therefore, for a job having the above characteristics, salary and financial benefits tend to be higher as compared to a job devoid of such characteristics.
- Suppose that if we do not offer this job to you, how will you react?
Answer : Do not feel annoyed over this question. The interviewer may not really mean this; e just wants to probe you how you react to unfavorable information. Therefore, tell gently that there are so many candidates for this job and only a few of them will be selected. If you are not among those who are selected, you will take in a usual way. You may add further that you prefer fair rejection over favored selection.
- Do you change your job frequently?
Answer : In answering this question, be honest about changing your job frequently as in the case of many professionals like IT engineers, management graduates, etc. job changing is quite frequent. If you belong to such category, tell about changes in jobs. However, you must give an impression that you do not believe in job hopping. You change your job for the reason of having more challenging job which can take maximum from you.
- What steps you will take when the work of a colleague threatens the completion of a project?
Answer : Tell that you will advise and counsel your colleagues to do the way as other colleagues are doing. Further, if project is not expected to be completed within the specified time schedule, you will try to reorganize the work and schedule; you will try to reorganize the work and schedule of completion. - How will you define success?
Answer :Tell that, in general, success means achievement of positive result from an action. However, you feel that for you, success means achieving excellent result from an action as success with excellence is as good as a rare thing while success without excellence is a as good as a common thing. - We find gaps in your resume. What were you doing during this time?
Answer- You should be prepared to answer the question before hand. Make your answer crisp, brief, and focused on the point but do not be defensive as gaps are likely to exist in case of many candidates who pursue professional courses in which admission is made on the basis of competitive examinations/tests. If you become too defensive, it will show your weakness.
- What type of leadership style do you prefer to follow and why?
Answer : Tell that you believe in following participative leadership style as it motivates colleagues because at every stage, they feel that they are important to the team and they have a say in the team functioning. You do not believe in autocratic leadership style as it reduces the importance of colleagues and becomes demotivating for them.

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